
How I fell in love with aviation?

The most asked question regarding my love and passion for aviation is: "Why aviation?"   I always give a very simple answer: "It's been my whole life" I am gonna tell you my story on how it all started. So, for those who don't know me, here is a short introduction. My name is Riad Salkanovic (people like to call me Riki) and I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina (small country in SE Europe). At the moment, I am a university student of International Business and Aviation Management studying in Slovenia and Germany (exchange). I am a passionate aviation lover, av-geek and glider pilot.  ***Bitten By The Aviation Bug*** -I was born in September, 1995 in a war ruined Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lucky for me, I was only crying and sleeping at that time so I have no memories of war whatsoever. My parents were in their mid-twenties and they didn't have home so they we were forced to move from one place to another occ...
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