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How I fell in love with aviation?

The most asked question regarding my love and passion for aviation is: "Why aviation?" 
 I always give a very simple answer: "It's been my whole life"

I am gonna tell you my story on how it all started.

So, for those who don't know me, here is a short introduction. My name is Riad Salkanovic (people like to call me Riki) and I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Bosnia and Herzegovina (small country in SE Europe). At the moment, I am a university student of International Business and Aviation Management studying in Slovenia and Germany (exchange). I am a passionate aviation lover, av-geek and glider pilot. 

***Bitten By The Aviation Bug***

-I was born in September, 1995 in a war ruined Bosnia and Herzegovina. Lucky for me, I was only crying and sleeping at that time so I have no memories of war whatsoever. My parents were in their mid-twenties and they didn't have home so they we were forced to move from one place to another occupying free abandoned houses in a burned villages. We moved 7 times from one place to another until finally settling down when I was 11 years old. Many families at that time had the same faith. Two years after me, my little sister Melisa came to brighten my world. 

-When I was 2 years old, we moved to "new" house (picture bellow) situated close to US Military base (peacekeeping mission). We lived there for the next 6 years. My earliest memories are from my 4th/5th year and I remember very well how fascinated I was watching all these helicopters flying around for the whole day. My mom says that whenever I heard a sound of a helicopter I run outside like crazy. They were doing different drills and I would just sit there and watch. I have goosebumps right now. Shortly after, I started demanding helicopter and airplane toys from my parents and they managed somehow to get it for me. Aviation bug got into me. That was it.
Since I was the only kid in the vicinity, I became very popular with the American soldiers :) The men who us holding me was a member of US Army and he would stop every week for a year for a coffee and to give me a big package of sweets. My parents (father on the right) didn't understand each other but they said they knew exactly what he meant. Not just him, many american soldiers stopped by giving me toys and sweets. And I remember very well waving at their convoys at yelling "Hey, you". I thought it was a greeting....All in all, I have a beautiful memory of it. 
Black-hawks landing in Dubrave Eagle Base, BiH.  
This is where we lived. I occasionally visit this place to refresh my memories and remind myself on how far we've gotten. Taken in January, 2018.

-At the age of 7, I started attending school. I skipped pre-school because we lived far and my parents were unable to send me regularly. Nevertheless, they taught me to read and write way before the regular school. Whenever we had a written assignment on topic "What do you want be when you grow up?" I've always knew what to write there. 3 years ago, I met a friend from primary school and he said: "You always wanted to be a pilot and look at you now, didn't change a bit." 

-When I was 11 years old, we moved into our new-built house and guess what, I lived 3 minutes away from small airport used by local Aero Club where I literally grew up. I am still member for almost 12 years now. I also had my first flight at that time. They took me up for a 6 minute flight in Yugoslavian made airplane UTVA-75 (Reg. T9-DGI). 6 minutes that set path for everything. 

UTVA-75 (not in service anymore) 

Joining the Aero Club has marked the beginning of new era and more details on that will follow on in the next weeks. 

So long,

